Star Matrix Master Course ileGökhan Ayar

Mor Lotus Danışmanlık/Online Zoom | 1 Oca 2025 - 31 Oca 2025

🆕 Next Course - 10th May 2021 REGISTER NOW!!

Star Matrix

Created by Silvia Hartmann

Star Matrix created by Silvia Hartmann


What is the Star Matrix?

The Star Matrix is your self concept, created entirely out of Star Events of your life.


What is a Star Event?

A Star Event is a High Positive Memory of a positive experience that caused you to learn, to grow, and to evolve.

Star Events contain essential information about reality which you experienced first hand (you didn't read about it in a book, it really happened to you!).


Why are Star Events more important than trauma?

Star Events contain the information “how to do it” rather than “how not to do it.”

Star Events teach us what we want to move towards, rather than away from.

Star Events have the powerful positive energy that literally takes us out of stress, pain and confusion, and into beautiful clarity.


Why do we need to access Star Events?

Accessing Star Events (remembering high positive experiences) raises energy super fast and is the key to not just reaching higher energy states more often, but also to learn how to have MORE Star Events in the future.



What happens when we connect the real Star Events of our own lives?

Information and energy starts to flow between them, and they become more than the sum of their parts – the Star Matrix is born.

Star Matrix Logo

 Why do we need the Star Matrix?

The Star Matrix completely revolutionises the way we think about ourselves. The Star Matrix changes our self concept. The Star Matrix gives us grounded, reality based self belief.

We finally find out who we really are.


What are the benefits of Star Matrix?

Star Matrix has the power to raise our energy average (the holy grail of Modern Energy!).


 Star Matrix builds new pathways in the physical brain, too - illustration by Silvia Hartmann


Star Matrix also improves memory, intelligence, wisdom, and creates new pathways in the brain.

Discovering Star Events and connecting Star Events literally lights up our lives.


Star Matrix is REAL.

  • These Star Events that make up YOUR own, personal Star Matrix really happened.
  • You were there, you experienced this yourself.
  • Your Star Matrix is build exclusively on THE TRUTH about you, and THE TRUTH about your life.


Giving conscious attention to your own Star Events unlocks your personal “Treasures & Riches” you have spent a lifetime accumulating – and now it's time to gather in YOUR harvest.


But what about all the trauma?

Working with powerful, crystal clear, beautiful, high energy Star Events teaches us “how to do memories right.”

Here, we learn how to access memories; how to gain information from memories; how to work with the energy of memories correctly and how to process memories correctly.

After Star Matrix, and with the POWER of our own Star Matrix alive within us, we can deal with trauma memories in a completely different way, with power, with confidence, and with LOVE.


  • Star Matrix doesn't just teach us how to handle our high positive memories; it also teaches us how to deal with ALL MEMORIES – beautifully.


How does the Star Matrix program work?

We begin by accessing Star Memories that are being presented to us by the Energy Mind.

We connect with the energy and the information of the Star Memory.

We pay conscious attention to the Star Memory, and we make a note of each Star Memory that presents itself.

Over the entire course, this will give us the structure of our Star Matrix as we add topic specific Star Events from our lifetime.

We will be using the latest Modern Energy exercises to “master our memories” - accessing memories, working inside of memories, locating core components and messages, and working with the energy of memories correctly.

We will be learning and practising how to use Star Memories for problem solving, as a source of inspiration, for healing and to reveal our own special “Superpowers” that are ONLY to be found in our own, personal Star Memories.

With every exercise, your Star Matrix becomes more stable, more energy and more astonishing.

We really did not know who we were – and we are nothing as we thought we were.

None of this is delusion, fantasy, or a hallucination.


  • Star Matrix is build on the REALITY of YOUR experiences of this lifetime.


Your Star Matrix is real.


Your Star Matrix is awaiting your conscious mind to discover it, to understand it and to start USING IT to make YOUR life more light filled, more exciting, more like HOME than it could ever be before.


The Future and The Missing Events

Star Matrix gives us guidance about “our path” - why we are here, what we are doing, and what we need to have happen in the future to “complete ourselves.”

 In this course, we will be giving particular attention to future Star Events, including the most urgently needed Missing Events, as well as gaining a sense of what future Star Events are the most desired or important to take our Star Matrix to the next level.


  • Star Matrix is personal development based not on trauma, but on the Star Events of our lives.

 Star Matrix is an absolute revolution in personal development – instead of darkness, trauma and suffering, we are turning directly towards the light, high energy experiences and our own personal Star Events to find the solutions to our problems.


Meet YOUR TRUE Self – Meet YOUR Star Matrix!

Created by Silvia Hartmann

Based on over 10 years of research, trialling and testing.

The results are in – and they are extraordinary.

Human beings need their Star Events to be healed and healing, happy and healthy.

The Star Events exist, the Star Matrix is REAL.

Now all we have to do is to PAY ATTENTION in a new way.

We have to create brand new pathways in the living brain.

This is a process of personal discovery and delight we never even knew was possible.


  • There will be joy.
  • There will be love.
  • There will be information.
  • There will be energy.
  • There will be transformation.


Your treasures and riches await.

It's time to gather in YOUR harvest.



The Star Matrix Masters Course

  • Created by Silvia Hartmann
  • Taught by Silvia Hartmann herself for the first time
  • Multi-Level Course for 1: Personal Development, 2: Pro Energists working with others; 3: Modern Energy Trainers
  • Regular course start dates 
  • 10 + 1 Learning Units, one per week. (PLEASE NOTE YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE AVAILABE AT A SET TIME EACH WEEK)
  • Time Investment: Min. 2 hours per week, at at anytime to suit you.
  • Star Matrix is an Interactive Online Course featuring Silvia Hartmann's instructional videos, live streams, group chats and student interaction.
  • Includes the Star Matrix On-line Manual and Star Matrix Masters Certification.

* Star Matrix Masters Course Prerequisite – Successful completion of The Energy Course (Modern Energy Foundation).


Meet your Star Matrix!

Meet your true self

and be prepared to be ASTONISHED.

You have no idea just yet

how AWESOME you actually really are.


In Summary:


Star Matrix – working with the Star Events of YOUR Life! - will …

  • Make you wiser
  • Make you stronger
  • Make you FAR more powerful
  • Give you a reality based high self esteem like you've never had before
  • Engage and awaken your physical brain
  • Give you a treasure trove of new techniques for problem solving, healing and generally dealing with every day
  • Give you brand new approaches for working with clients and students
  • Unlock your personal Superpowers, your real natural talents and abilities
  • Give you an endless source of strength and power through your best aspects (your assets!)
  • Reveal your life's meaning, path and mission
  • Gather in your harvest of YOUR Treasures & Riches of this lifetime
  • Take you on the most awesome journey of discovery there is – finally coming home to YOU.

Star Matrix created by Silvia Hartmann


Star Matrix

Modern Energy Technology For the 21st Century

Created by Silvia Hartmann

Built on Truth, Logic - AND on LOVE.



The next online training with Silvia Hartmann starts soon, so book now to reserve your space. The price is £547.00 GBP:

We also have a £97 GBP per month over six months instalment plan available:

Isaac Lim Star Matrix is a must-have for everyone who is seeking to know themselves better as positive beings. It is the ultimate self-development course like no others, as it is based on the resources of your own treasure chest of wonderful Star memories. Nobody knows you better than yourself.

This course helps you see your true self through the light of your own positive life memories rather than negative traumas. Seeing how amazing your life had been will give you new self-appreciation, self-esteem, self-empowerment, healing and much more. I can't put a value on all these. Just take the Star Matrix course and become a better version of yourself.

Star Matrix is a practical course that upgrades my ability as a therapist to help others to heal and to guide people to see the good in themselves and their lives. I love the exercise on accessing future Star Events as it expands my resources to infinity like the stars in the universe.

I am recommending this course to all my students and colleagues. I would rather demonstrate to them by asking about their Star memories, as experiencing it is better than a thousand words. Thank you Silvia Hartmann for developing this course for humanity.

Isaac Lim

Bilge Yalcin Star Matrix is fully energized course. It gives me positive energy and I've realised my past is not so bad! It gives me hope and motivation to create a +10 future easily.

Thank you Silvia for creating this course. Thank you Sandra and Cumasiye for giving this course. I had an amazing time and my energy body filled with all star dust ! I really feel good after the course. It gives me more positive thoughts. This course happened exactly at the right time for me. Thank you so much again.

Bilge Yalcin

Nimet Ozkan It was very impressive to reunite with our star memories of a beautiful course and to bring them back to life. If you want to feel like a star and bring out the star in you thanks to Star Matrix, you should definitely take this course.

We forget so many beautiful memories that they are actually our source of healing.

Special thanks to Silvia Hartmann and dear Sandra Hillawi and Cumasiye and the whole GOE team who contributed to the course. Endless thanks to my other friends who participated in the course, we became a very nice team.

Nimet Ozkan

Ozlem Kolcu Since my childhood, I love to watch the star-filled sky and dream. Star matrix was like a stargate to me. I feel that I have found a magnificent treasure full of stars. Everything I need can be so accessible and so fun to reach. Thank you very much.

Ozlem Kolcu

Elif Arikan Don Thank you Sandra Hillawi very much for helping us get a nice education like Star Matrix. It was a great education. We had wonderful hours by integrating with our Star Memories and future star versions. If we didn't have star matrix education, maybe we would never have thought about these stars. Besides, each of our friends who participated in the training was very special. And I can't wait to tell other beautiful people about this fun and training we felt like a star. To dear Silvia Hartmann, dear Sandra Hillawi and my dear Cumasiye Özgür Thank you for this valuable education with lots of love.. I'm glad I attended.

Elif Arikan Don

William Taylor It was a fantastic course, and a wonderful way to significantly leap up the SUE Scale while the outer world is still in chaos. No dogma, no madness, just tapping into the TRUTH that is written in your stars.

William Taylor

Richard Hyams Amazing experience. I enjoyed this course immensely. I was not anticipating the many variations and applications on the Star Matrix pattern. I believe this course is one of a kind and its ideas are ground-breaking, perhaps revolutionary.

There are lots of books, courses, etc on positive thinking but this is an very unique approach and could conceivably alter the future of personal development. Not only is this course packed with methods but also presents a mind shift; perhaps even a paradigm shift to current approaches to human development.

I most enjoyed the star abilities; an approach to discovering our innate "superpowers!" Also I deeply valued the missing stars which gives us a way of giving ourselves the missing experiences that would take our current reality and our future to the next level.

I was continually reminded of a Tom Robbins from his excellent book, "Still life of a Woodpecker, which ends with the phrase: "It's never too late to have a happy childhood." This course gives us all the means to make that so.

Richard Hyams

Katerina Kalchenko This is really magical experience, not in the sense of "Dancing with Magical Unicorns", yet in the perspective on bringing quantum physics in human lives in a magically powerful yet simple way!

Silvia is living Star Teacher, that illuminate Star Wisdom, Star Love and activates high gifts from soul of every human, who has privilege to be among of her students. You life never would be the same after you discover the Star Matrix concept. Just try - and you will touch the Stars!

Katerina Kalchenko

Dr. Gregory Brown Thank you for the course. Having the videos and interactive exercises grounded the information from the books very nicely. Silvia's presentations of each topic were clear and informative.

Dr. Gregory Brown

Carolyn Michelman It's been just amazing and this course is of itself was one of the greatest star moments I've had in the past three months because it made me so aware of where to put my focus and how to evolve in a way that didn't involve looking back to past trauma and what a relief that is.

I highly recommend taking this course. Silvia has an impactful powerful way of delivering the course with facts, humour, intuition -and tons and tons of wisdom. Again, I highly recommend taking the course.

I think one of my favourite parts of course were star events... visiting those moments in time allowed me to have a completely different experience when looking at them as star moments. Thank you Silvia for your extraordinary energy mind work. 💞💫

Carolyn Michelman

I thought I knew who I was 😅

Star Matrix really is an incredible course. I'm only on Unit 5 out of 12 and already I feel so incredibly rich in positive flowing energy from 40 years worth of aspects doing incredible things under sometimes very difficult circumstances.

I kind of knew I would understand myself better from doing Star Matrix, but I wasn't expecting to feel this +10 different. Like I'm standing in the middle of a circle of a lifetimes worth of my aspects at their very best, and I feel empowered by each and every one of them.

Can't believe I'm not even half way through the course yet 🤣

Karen Aquinas I found the Star Matrix course very enjoyable - connecting with the highest levels of love, joy, compassion, ease, inspiration ... what's not to enjoy?! The simplicity of direction allows us to access profound and powerful personal truths quickly and easily. It feels as if Silvia has, once again, dared to put forth notions that are ahead of our time (for many). Thank you, Silvia!

Karen Aquinas

Yıldız Matriks I started this course in a moment of my life, when everything was chaotic and very stressful. This course made me stand up for myself. This course made me realise how much power, resources, sensitivity and love I had inside of me.

This course also changed how I lead my coaching sessions and I now introduce my clients to their high positive star memories to help them overcome their daily struggling situations.

Joelle Hoffmann

Wendy Birse This carefully crafted programme leads you through exercises which enlighten and enrich your entire life experience - past, present and future. By engaging with the exercises and bringing the new knowledge into everyday life you create a tangible object which is a continuously developing resource and record of your Star experiences and abilities. Unlocking the power of 'the bright side of life' is done lovingly and logically through Silvia's deep awareness of our overlooked and undernourished energy systems.

Wendy Birse

Carole Ann Catterall This course enables students to find solutions to any issue that creates, or is the foundation of, a low energy state. However, it is not just a 12 week commitment, it's a life-time thing. What you get from it, will be determined by the time and commitment you give to it.

The end of the course is only the beginning... Given that one person's energy levels impacts the energy levels of those around them, we are doing the world a service by working on ourselves in this way. It is also being brought to light, that many illnesses are now deemed to be generated by 'low energy states', so this course offers, not only the means to attain higher energy states and self-fulfilment, but also the prospect of improving one's health in the process.

I do not know of anyone who would NOT benefit from doing the SMX course. If I were to recommend this course, I would simply tell the person about the impact that it has had on me, personally. Thank you, to all those who have had a part in putting this course together and getting it out into the world.

Carole Ann Catterall

Tanya Isdale What an amazing, life changing course.

Thank you so much for the understanding that you have shared, and that you have made it easy for us to take forward.

Tanya Isdale

Paul Grant, GoE Member I really enjoyed this course. The experiences it provides are priceless, well worth the price. I learned to see myself and my life in new and uplifting ways that I can apply to find solutions to problems that come up in my life.

Of all the amazing exercises in the course, the ones that excited me most were the Star Powers exercises. They enabled me to experience amazing talents and moments of pure joy that we can forget about when we get caught up in life.

I would highly recommend Star Matrix. It expands your awareness and perception of yourself, what you are actually capable of doing and experiencing, that you belong here and really do live an extraordinary life. Star Matrix allows you to experience the extraordinary being you truly are. Thank you Silvia for this Wondrous magical gift.

Paul Grant, GoE Member

Donna Wirth, GoE Trainer This course has helped me through a stressful year. But the best is this one that I, for some reason, just redid and it was a very helpful. I have a project I want to do but my aspect has a big I CAN’T. When I asked my energy mind for a memory, it reminded my aspect of an 'I CAN’T' that I overcame 2 days ago and found out I could. A few rounds of tapping and clapping, I did it and it was OK. So I’m going to raise my energy and let my energy body help me like it did 2 days ago and has so many times before.

Donna Wirth, GoE Trainer

Ber Collins, GoE Trainer We may have reached the end of this course but I feel it is truly the beginning of an exciting adventure. Thank you Silvia for creating this magical space.

Ber Collins, GoE Trainer

Lorna Firth, GoE Trainer I am so happy I signed up for Star Matrix. To me Star Matrix encapsulates all the other GOE courses I have taken . It was definitely value for money and I would recommend this course to every Human Being who wishes to evolve their Energy Body. I have found all the units very beneficial and has started a family healing process. Thank you Silvia

Lorna Firth, GoE Trainer

Denise Jacques, GoE Trainer I have completed many GOE courses over the years and enjoyed them all. Star Matrix stands out, however, as my favourite.

The timing was perfect, not long into the 'lockdown'. The first unit introduces the concept of Star Memories: those times in your life that were special; the high positive memories that relate to your present situation. I was feeling quite isolated that day and the memories that came were all precious family memories. The message that accompanied them was that I was very loved and the warm enveloping energy that message brought stayed with me all day.

I really looked forward to the next 11 units developing the concept in various ways. I found I was generating a store of precious memories that were sometimes shared and spent time describing and exchanging memories often exploding into laughter or sitting in a warm glow. Interestingly I discovered that some of the most significant ' traumatic' memories in my life no longer held a negative charge or that it was the positive aspects of them and the learning and self growth that shone out.

Star Matrix is a lot more than an enjoyable and informative course, I think it is something that continues to allow you to grow and develop towards a more positive and happy life and pass this on. Thank you.

Denise Jacques, GoE Trainer

Aynur Apaydin, GoE Energy Trainer Thank you.. It was an amazing course, and I learned many things. Missing events was the most fascinating for me. I would recommended the course to many clients. Star matrix has given me an amazing wisdom.

Aynur Apaydin, GoE Energy Trainer

İpek Şekerdi, GoE Trainer I loved this course so so much, and I liked all the units. It really helped me to evolve my energy body in a perfect way. I have already started to use it with my clients.

I highly recommend it.

İpek Şekerdi, GoE Trainer

Lucy McCormack, GoE Professional Member I loved all the exercises in this course. My book of stars is now with me and a super resource if I am feeling down. I got so much information about my life, I cannot describe it all. Even though I thought I was a positive person, connecting with my star memories also changed my relationship with my family.

This course is well worth spending the time on but make sure you spend some time with your star memories every day, the more you do it the better it becomes. I loved connecting to my star aspects in the future, they had so much to tell me.

Lucy McCormack, GoE Professional Member

Annemarie Wilson Star Matrix is the definitive journey to exploring all the wonder and potential of your life experiences and people who have guided you along the way. These tools are a wonderful gift to yourself and all that you share it with and it's a gift that keeps on giving. The experiences are revelatory and those revelations are life changing and magical in their power to lift you up to to your highest potential and really experience your very best self. It has been a wonderful journey and has completely shifted my perspective on life in so many amazing ways and it's just the beginning as there are so many ways to apply what i have learned. What really appealed to me is that it's so simple and easy to do and yet produces powerful and profound effects whilst being lots of fun too ! I highly recommend Star Matrix and truly believe it is impossible not to achieve incredible life changing results from doing it. Give yourself the gift of Star Matrix.. I guarantee you won't regret it.

Annemarie Wilson

Juliane Luhs, GoE Member I am more than blessed that my energy mind brought me here. During this course I learned so much, experienced so overwhelming beautiful moments and memories that seemed to be forgotten. But they weren't. They do all exist in the here and now, a huge treasure box of pure potential to explore our power, love, wisdom and gifts that everyone of us do have. I really highly recommend this course to everyone, thank you dear Silvia for your wonderful work and presence throughout this course.

Juliane Luhs, GoE Member

Lisa Bundfuss, GoE Professional Member A magical course that finally gets me, a wonderful opportunity to finally find you! A way of life to share, explore, to evolve life to a way of being, of happiness and high energy even in challenging times. Thank you Silvia, much love always.

Lisa Bundfuss, GoE Professional Member

Corné Jooste GoE Professional Member I would be hard pressed to put into words what Star Matrix has meant to me over the past short 12 weeks. The whole concept and simple exercises that Silvia so eloquently shared, took me on an unexpected experiential journey of discovery and rediscovery of what it means to be ME. It realigned me with what brings me joy, dissolved what made me feel stuck, reconnected me with beautiful memories I wouldn’t have accessed otherwise and blasted reality creation and soul’s purpose into a whole new stratosphere of excitement, wonder and magic. Star Matrix is not a ‘traditional course’… its an experience. It happened at exactly the right time and in exactly the right way for me and I can only send my deepest gratitude and star dust sparkles to Silvia for creating love and logic just when I needed it the most! Highly recommended and deeply valued.

Corné Jooste GoE Professional Member

Dr Rosette Poletti, GoE Energy Trainer I really liked this course! It was extremely well done, I learned ways to enrich my life. I loved the exercise that dealt with the importance of humour and laugh! I have already recommended this course to friends!

Dr Rosette Poletti, GoE Energy Trainer

Barbara Burgess, GoE Member I thoroughly enjoyed this course and found it value for money.I learned an amazing number of things from this course and KNOW that I will continue to learn throughout my entire life and beyond. I loved remembering Star People and how they have helped me in my life. I would encourage anyone on this planet to take this course - It is mind blowing!

Barbara Burgess, GoE Member

Yıldız Matriks I found this course to be exciting and of huge benefit. My work up until this course has been focused on healing trauma and this whole shift away from trauma to joy has been so enlightening and empowering. I will be continuing with my Star Book into the future and encouraging others to use this technique. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to rediscover the essence of who they truly are. Brilliant Silvia. Congratulations.

Joanne Blachut

Cumasiye Ozgur, GoE Energist Trainer The Star Matrix course was a life changing experience for me. It changed my mind set from negative to positive. As an energist I was so focused on my trauma in order to heal them but that was making me connected to low energies throughout the day! Now I have discovered so much strength inside me, so many high energy memories, they can instantly increase my energy average and make me Happy and Vibrant.

The best gift you could ever give to yourself ! Thanks Silvia Hartmann for giving me this incredible new portal of my life!

Cumasiye Ozgur, GoE Energist Trainer

Kym Lawn, GoE Energist Trainer Love, Love, Love this course. The simplicity, the elegance the flow. Simply beautiful. The concept of connecting to star memories and an energy matrix is something that I have had a sense of needing, yet not knowing how to do it. For years I have felt "beside myself" and now I am starting to move back into my beautiful Star Matrix. Thank you Silvia - love this work, and can't wait to start to share it with the world.

Kym Lawn, GoE Energist Trainer

Yıldız Matriks Yes! Yes! I recorded many star memories and love my book of stars and will explore much further.

Irma Hudson, GoE Professional Member

Dieter Maas, GoE Energist Trainer I enjoyed the course, and found it to be profoundly fascinating and enlightening, and priceless in value. Life Changing!!

I learned a lot of practical applications including just currently using it for a new business opportunity. Actually the most exciting was getting to know my star people, and also finding the moments where my aspects were star people for other people's aspects of the time. Of course I would recommend the course to friends and users, and would probably tell them how much more consistent, integrating and empowering my effort and perspective has become from this course, and how much it helps to connect the planes and bring all of modern energy together.

Dieter Maas, GoE Energist Trainer

Dr  Darlene Two Trees Cannon, GoE Professional Member The course is a fantastic and anyone who has the opportunity to take it, don’t miss out. It’s a true life changing course. My personal evolution has sky rocketed since taking the course.

Dr Darlene Two Trees Cannon, GoE Professional Member

Julie White, GoE Member This course has been life changing, and joyous to work with. I loved seeing Silvia on the videos each week, and her joy radiates out and leaves one feeling totally uplifted and full of empowerment. Empowerment to step forward and into creating a new life and ways of being. I have found the course material engaging and the diagrams particularly helpful as they convey so much information. I have found practising the techniques and stages simple to work with and remember.

I have found my forth coming star events that have been birthed via this work immensely rich, rewarding and life affirming.....this is such a beautiful way of being, and experiencing our star selves and catalysing others star selves too. Thank you Silvia, words are not enough to convey my gratitude for all your hard work and tenacity to keep on keeping on.

Julie White, GoE Member

Linda Kinsella, GoE Professional Member Absolutely fabulous course! It’s priceless - 10 out of 10 💛 I highly recommend this really enjoyable course, that takes you to the core of your being in simple, unexpected and magical ways, that enable deep insights and powerful transformations to take place. All the modules had a wow factor, but module 10 was my favourite. Thank you Silvia, this course has certainly expanded my perceptions. I look forward to doing it again and again. Much love and gratitude to you and your dear energy mind x

Linda Kinsella, GoE Professional Member

Dr Rosette Poletti, GoE Energist Trainer I really enjoyed this course! It's a completely new way to look at life. It’s understandable and pleasant to learn! I will recommend this course with enthusiasm.

I also like the format as I don’t know if I would have learned as much in a 3 days class. The 12 weeks were very useful! Thank you very, very much!!

Dr Rosette Poletti, GoE Energist Trainer

Jennine Allen, GoE Member Best course I have done, opens up other Energy courses and adds to them, have already booked a SuperMind refresher course as it adds so much more to it. Literally a life changing course!

Jennine Allen, GoE Member

Ilka Wandel, GoE Trainer It's a mind blowing course full of magical surprises. It changed my whole life and my understanding of human potential. It is a powerful course that comes with completely new concepts, that lead you to a new or unknown, wonderful and magical version of your self.

Every human being should do this course, because it makes Life easy and fun..."it makes right what once went wrong" and so much connects you with your own magic and power within.

Ilka Wandel, GoE Trainer

Brenda Dutertre, Goe Trainer I absolutely adored this course! At the outset, I really didn't believe that I had any Star Memories, particularly from childhood, but I was proven wrong over and over again. This course is laid out in such a fashion that it is very easy to follow - one unit builds on the last.

I would very definitely recommend this course to anyone wanting to take themselves to another level! It has changed my life! I believe that this course will revolutionise how we do energy work going forward! Thank you, thank you, thank you, Silvia!

Brenda Dutertre, Goe Trainer

Yıldız Matriks Star Matrix course and exercises has given me the threshold shift I needed right now to raise my energy and make clearer my next steps for a more awesome, inspired and authentically - Me - life.

I am clearer now than ever before who I am and what I have to offer the world- my star stories. I look forward to adding more star stories and events into my Book of Stars and sharing these with fellow GOE members and others who wish to start living a more powerful, dynamic and truly brilliant life. Thank you!

Georgia Atsaves, GoE Member

Katerina Kalchenko, GoE Trainer Star Matrix is an Revolution in the field of healing. It can`t be treated as a therapy - this is an unique way for people to be happy!

Star Matrix is uplifting, full of love and life changing experiences. This is not only a "mental" activity - Star Matrix is the key to a multidimensional experience, which will open you new portals! From your energy mind to the hard - you will have transformations on all levels of your life. Thank you, Silvia, for this Gift to humanity!

Katerina Kalchenko, GoE Trainer

Gökhan Ayar
  •  Mor Lotus Bireysel Dönüşüm ve Danışmanlık
  •  Çeşmealtı/urla, İzmir, Turkey